Why Exhibit at TeCMEN Industry Day?

As the Gulf Coast’s leading one-day technology and manufacturing expo, TeCMEN Industry Day (TID) combines excellent corporate exposure opportunities with an unmatched value! Leading aerospace, defense, manufacturing, engineering, and technology companies from around the country consistently find TID to provide an excellent venue for:

  • Highlighting existing products/capabilities
  • Rolling out new products & capabilities
  • Connecting with existing customers
  • Identifying new customers and industry partners

All TeCMEN Industry Day packages include:

  • one 10’ x 10’ booth (pipe, drape)
  • two chairs
  • one 6’ table

Additional booths may be purchased if larger display areas are needed.

Exhibitor packages also include:

  • two full conference registrations with access to all TID sessions and networking functions

Consider joining us at our upcoming TeCMEN Industry Day and discover why 83% of our 2022 exhibitors and attendees reported making a new contact they believe will directly translate to new business.

Early-Bird Discounts are available prior to December 31, 2023.